The Louisiana Chapter was not the first chapter formed in the state for the American College of Surgeons. Both New Orleans and Shreveport formed their own chapter in the 1930s.
New Orleans Chapter
- Formed on October 20, 1930
- Membership was open to ACS members who resided in New Orleans
- Dues were $5.00
- First President was Dr. Emmett Irwin of New Orleans.
Shreveport Chapter
- Formed on May 4, 1933
- Started with 23 members of the College from Shreveport.
- First chairman was Dr. Guy Caldwell
No records are on file on what happened to these two organizations. There is a letter from the Shreveport Chapter to the ACS stating they felt the College would benefit by having a state organization. There was a lapse in records until 1950.
Louisiana Chapter ACS Timeline
Spring 1950
The Board of Governors of the American College of Surgeons discussed the importance of state chapters. Governors were asked to call a meeting in their state to discuss.
March 1950
- A letter was mailed to each Fellow in the state to discuss organizing a state chapter.
- Louisiana Governors were Drs. I Mims Gage, El King, and Thomas Benton Sellers.
- The meeting would take place on April 25, 1950, in Baton Rouge
- Purpose was to organize and formulate a plan for the future.
- Cost to attend the dinner was $3.00
The College asked that each Chapter adopt a uniformed set of bylaws and once adopted apply to the College for a charter. Charters would be issued after the chapter was approved by the Board of Regents.
May 8, 1951
The Louisiana Chapter ACS was founded. A copy of the bylaws was mailed to each Fellow in Louisiana. Their vote indicated their desire to become a member of the Chapter.
President – Howard Mahorner, MD, FACS
Vice President – JW Faulk, MD, FACS
Secretary/Treasurer – Robert Sharp, MD, FACS
Council Members
Isidore Cohn, MD, FACS
Willard Ellender, MD, FACS
Alton Ochsner, MD, FACS
Thomas Sellers, MD, FACS
EL Zander, MD, FACS

Read More About Dr. Mahorner Here.
October 9, 1951
Dr. Mahorner submitted the approved bylaws to the American College of Surgeons.
October 18, 1951
The first chapter meeting was scheduled in Lake Charles, LA where 25 members attended.
- The chapter hosted several meetings a year in different cities in Louisiana.
- The structure of the meeting would be operating clinics, dry clinic, and local speakers. The city in which the meeting was held was responsible for content.
- Dues were set at $5.00 per year.
November 4, 1951
The Board of Regents approved the Chapter at Clinical Congress in San Francisco, CA.
January 28, 1952
Charter #28 was issued for the Louisiana Chapter American College of Surgeons.
February 16, 1952
The Charter was presented to the leadership at the Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
This year, we celebrate our 70th chapter anniversary of being an official chapter of the American College of Surgeons. The chapter has grown from the original 25 member to 474 fellows in Louisiana.
In 2021, we had 220 fellows join the Louisiana Chapter. We hope you will consider supporting your local chapter by joining/renewing your dues. Email Janna Pecquet ([email protected]) for additional information.
Past Presidents of the Louisiana Chapter