CME Breakdown
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2023
- Mock Orals: 4.50 credit
Total: 4.50 credits
- Speed Mentoring Breakfast for Residents & Medical Students: 1.00 credit
- Scientific Session I: President’s Session: 0.75 credit
- Scientific Session II: Surgical Potpourri I: 0.75 credit
- Current Areas of Focus for the American College of Surgeons: 0.50credit
- American Board of Surgery Update: 0.25 credit
- Mini-Talk Session I: 0.25 credit
- Firearm Injury Prevention: The Common Narrative from the ACS COT:
0.75 credit (trauma mandate – .75) - Mini-Talk Session II: 0.25 credit
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Where Do We Go from Here?: 1.00 credit
- Scientific Session III: Trauma/Burns/Critical Care: 0.75 credit (Surgical Critical Care mandate – .75 and trauma mandate – .75)
- Mini-Talk Session III: 0.75 credit
- Remarkable Case Session: 0.75 credit
- Resident Surgical Jeopardy – Round One: 0.75 credit
Total: 8.5 credits
- ePoster Session: 1.00 credit
- Scientific Session III: Surgical Potpourri II: 1.00 credit
- Mini-Talk Session IV: 0.50 credit
- The Big Free – It’s History and Stories: 0.75 credit
- Scientific Session IV: Pediatric Surgery: 0.50 credit (Pediatric Surgery mandate .5)
- The Great Debates: 0.75 credit
- Resident Surgical Jeopardy – Final: 0.50 credit
Total: 5 credits

CME Evaluation and Certificates
Please complete the online evaluation form to claim your total CME credits for the LA-ACS Annual Meeting. Please complete the evaluation form by Sunday, April 23, 2023.
- Have your ACS ID ready.
- Certificates will be emailed on Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
CME Requirements
The Louisiana Chapter and the American College of Surgeons (ACS) are committed to providing members with the highest quality educational resources to support you in meeting your Continuing Medical Education (CME) requirements. Please visit the American College of Surgeons State CME Requirements page to review the Louisiana CME Requirements and to find relevant CME opportunities.