The Future. Through the Eyes of a Surgeon
As health care changes, it is critical that surgeons continue to have a strong voice and seat at the table in all patient care decisions. A new video encouraging Fellows to become actively involved in helping the ACS take bold steps and speak with a unified voice on behalf of patients was released during Clinical Congress. The ACS encourages Fellows to share the video with colleagues and at your chapter meetings.
The campaign has been developed so that we may strengthen our collective voice, and to reach health care leaders, policymakers, and the public. The ACS encourages Fellows to share the video with colleagues and at your chapter meetings.
The mission of the Louisiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons is to:
Support the standards and directives of the American College of Surgeons in Louisiana;
Advance the art and science of surgery in Louisiana through continuing
education of Louisiana surgeons;
Further communication and camaraderie among Louisiana surgeons;
Provide a Forum for Young Surgeons
Provide a means through which Louisiana surgeons can cooperate with
other professional, political, and civic organizations in promulgating good
health among Louisiana citizens.
Advocate for safe, effective surgical care for Louisiana citizens.

Juan Duchesne, MD, FACS
Queyen Chu, MD, FACS
Rachel Moore, MD, FACS
Donnie Aultman, MD, FACS
Lance Stuke, MD, FACS
John Hunt, MD, FACS
Past President
Jennifer Gnerlich, MD, FACS
Christopher DuCoin, MD, FACS
Navdeep Samra, MD, FACS, FICS
Kerry Byrnes, MD, FACS
Jason Breaux, MD, FACS
Rebecca Schroll, MD, FACS
LA-ACS Advocacy Chair
Quyen Chu, MD, FACS
Cancer Committee Chairman
Tomas H Jacome MD, FACS
Trauma Committee Chair
Lance Stuke, MD, FACS
Young Fellows Chair
Kevin Sittig, MD, FACS
Quyen Chu, MD, FACS
1st vice president
Clifton McGinness, MD, FACS
Ralph Corsetti, MD, FACS
Donnie Aultman, MD, FACS
Past President
Charles Bellows, MD, FACS
Herman Heck, MD, FACS
Roger Kim, MD, FACS